Taipei based artist Lu-Tung Lu has been producing art since childhood, counting photography, painting, and drawing as a life-long endeavor. Having worked in commercial photography, book illustration, and murals since 1997, his methods for drawing/painting were developed as a secret for over 10 years in between two continents with the input of the manufacturers of the brands used. Namely Tachikawa quill nibs/dip pens were used to develop his current drawing aesthetic. All of these mediums influence each other and carry over into his current studio work. He believes that the background in one area only gives experience in another. While his illustrations tend to be perceived through academic origins, it is the skill developed from quill nibs that carry through the integrity of everything fabricated from his hands. Finding that schooling did not provide in-depth knowledge and skill sets for Tachikawa nibs, the 10 years spent developing a current approach to drawing was outside of school, on his own terms. His photography presents the same attention to detail and orientation as his drawings.